The Continuous Flow EDS is the ultimate system for your energy recovery needs. This EDS allows a constant flow for high capacity and is available in many sizes and configurations. We utilize a tube in tube heat exchanger for increased solids handling and reliability, yet achieve a 90% energy recovery. The system shown at the left operates at 15 liters per minute and features a 27,000 liter collection tank and redundant processing skids. The system is able to run one skid, automatically switch to the other, or run both depending on the rate at which it is receiving biowaste water from the lab. The skids are specifically designed to hold the effluent at full temperature for the desired time period and any effluent that is measured below temperature during heatup is automatically sent back through to be treated once more.

Low Temperature Continuous Flow

Energy recovery (low energy consumption, no cooling water consumption) is the only reason to consider continuous flow technology. These systems tend to be high maintenance in comparison to continuous batch systems. Price is comparable to continuous batch systems. They are heated by indirect steam (heat exchanger) or by direct steam injection. Commonly used for Level 1 and Level 2 organisms.

  • Operates at 85°C+ / 185°F+
  • Continuous operation
  • Operates with no backpressure devices
  • Low energy consumption
  • No cooling necessary
  • Ideal for Level 1 and Level 2 organisms
  • Can treat pathogenic spores (species, contact, and temperature dependent)
  • Could be used with a chemical catalyst (thermochemical)
  • Variety of heating methods available
  • Up to 90% energy recovery

High Temperature Continuous Flow

Energy recovery (low energy consumption, no cooling water consumption) is the only reason to consider continuous flow technology. These systems tend to be high maintenance in comparison to continuous batch systems. Price is comparable to continuous batch systems. They are heated by indirect steam (heat exchanger) or by direct steam injection. Primarily used for Level 3 organisms.

  • Operates up to 150°C / 302°F
  • Continuous operation
  • Low energy consumption
  • No cooling necessary
  • Can sterilize thermostable spores including Geobacillus stearothermophilus due to the high temperature capability
  • Variety of heating methods available
  • Up to 90% energy recovery


  • Pharmaceutics
  • Hospital


This product is made by: Bio-Response

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